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About Us

Providing a creative hub for our community

We are an enthusiastic group of artists that have shared a passion for painting for more than twenty years. We use all media and our club welcomes members of all levels of ability, including beginners. We exchange ideas and several times a year we enjoy demos and workshops from excellent professional tutors and also from in-house artists. In addition, the club hosts one or two Art Exhibitions each year where members can sell their work should they wish to.

Our Chairperson, Sue has made it her mission to make our meetings as accessible as possible for all. Please see our Access Statement for more information.


Whalton Village Hall


We meet every Tuesday at Whalton Village Hall, Northumberland from 10.00am - 2.00pm. The hall has excellent facilities including kitchen use for refreshments. 


If you are interested in becoming a member please complete our Membership Application Form. On completion, our Secretary will invite you to visit one Tuesday to see if you would like to join our friendly bunch of creators.


If you’re interested in joining, you’ll be invited to come along for a taster session when a place is available.  There’s usually a waiting list. Space at Whalton Village Hall is generous and bright. However, the size of the hall dictates our numbers.


For information on the benefits of joining our club and costs 0f Membership, please click here.


Our Sessions for 2023 are as follows:

Tuesday 5th September - Tuesday 12th December


Our sessions for 2024 are as follows:

Tuesday 2nd January - Tuesday 23rd July

Committee Members

Our club is run by a committee of five and is well supported by other members, without whom the club would not be so successful.

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